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What is your shipping policy?
Visit our "Shipping & Returns" page in the footer menu to view our full policy. Shipping rates and times depend on the shipping method selected at checkout. We offer free shipping on all orders over $30. All of our products are shipped from our facility in Louisville, KY. Shipping in the United States usually takes between 1-5 business days depending on your location and method of shipping (First Class/Priority/Express). We cannot accept or ship orders to certain states. Please see the "Shipping and Returns" page for a full list of restricted states.
Why won't you let me place an order?
There are a few situations in which we are unable to process an order. First, due to varying state laws, we are unable to ship to certain states. Please see the "Shipping and Returns" page at our website footer to view a full list of restricted states. Additionally, we must verify that all customers are above the age of 21 years old at checkout. If we are unable to verify your age based on the given information, we will be unable to process your order. If you have any questions, please visit our "Contact" page to reach us directly. Another possibility is that the product(s) you are trying to order is out of stock.
Do you ship to every state?
Unfortunately due to varying state laws, we cannot process or fulfill orders to certain states. Please see the "Shipping and Returns" page in our website footer to view a full list of restricted states. We apologize for this inconvenience.
I did not receive my order. What do I do?
If your order never arrived, please visit our "Contact" page and provide your order number and comments and we will make sure to correct the issue.
Why buy Zig-Zag online vs. in a store?
We want to make shopping for Zig-Zag as easy as possible for you. We offer both a direct online store, and retail shop placements so you can get our products wherever you are in the United States, whenever you want. While Zig-Zag products are available all over, we do offer exclusive online products, merchandise and bundles that you won't find anywhere else.
How will my age be verified?
To make a purchase on, visitors are asked to provide their name, date of birth, address, and the last four digits of their social security number during checkout. This information is verified by a third-party ( and cross-referenced with publicly-available records to confirm the person is of their state's legal smoking age. If a user’s public records fail to match or they do not wish to provide their social security number, they must upload a valid government-issued I.D. for review by a member of the compliance team. Manual government identification reviews generally take under 1 minute.
Can I order any spare parts for my roller or injector?
We do not currently sell spare parts for our rollers or injectors. If you have a problem with your roller or injector please visit our “Contact” page and fill out our comment form.
Do you offer apparel, signage, stickers, etc. for sale?
Yes! We offer official Zig-Zag apparel and merchandise on our online store. Head over to our "Shop" section to view the full product lineup.
I live outside of the US, who can I contact to get more information about your products?

Turning Point Brands is the exclusive US distributor of Zig-Zag products. If you live in Canada, please contact our Canadian distributor, Imperial Tobacco at and click on the “Contact Us” link. If you reside in a country outside the United States or Canada, please visit and use the “Contact US” link.

Do you sell blunt wraps?
If you would like to learn more about our wraps, visit We do not currently sell wraps online.